novembre 2021 archives

Cross cultural event Albeda College 2021 – Final round !

Many thanks to the Albeda College staff, Tom and Wesley and all the people involved in the organization of this great training. Mégane and Rania had so much pleasure to work during 2 weeks with other European students on entrepreneurial projects. And we are also really proud to announce that Mégane and her team won …

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CROSS CULTURAL EVENT in Albeda College season 6 !!!!!

Here we go again with the famous intercultural exchange in Rotterdam ! Our 2 young students Rania and Mégane will take part during 2 weeks to a really great entrepreneurship project organized by our Dutch colleagues Tom, Westley and Helen. During the next 2 weeks, Mégane and Rania will have to work with other European …

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Conférence PEEP sup

Le BTS Commerce International de la Martinière Duchère sera présent le mercredi 10 novembre 2021 à 19h30 pour la conférence PEEP SUP : Commerce et gestion sans prépa. Si vous souhaitez obtenir des informations sur ce secteur, rencontrer des enseignants en BTS, DUT, écoles…, poser vos questions, n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. renseignements et inscriptions …

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